Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Lindsey found this cool idea to give to a teacher & we decided to make it for Stephanie as she graduated with her elementary education degree. It turned out super cool & is something that we will have to keep in mind as a gift to make for our kids's teachers as they enter that stage. Many of the school supplies she needs are here & the layers of the 'cake' will provide storage for these things.
The Birthday/ graduation party was a lot of fun, we got to enjoy time with friends and family. Micah got some cool presents... he can go golfing, play trains, and a digger were his favorites. 

Aunt Katie made our awesome Thomas the train cake, the kids all liked it (and so did the adults, it was tasty)!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Master Dad?!

Here is daddy getting his Masters in Education. We are so glad that daddy is done with going to school so that we can spend more time together as a family. Now daddy just needs to find a teaching job so that he can put that education to use.

Chelsea's Cubby program

Chelsea was so excited to be able to go on stage again, but once she got up there an apparent stage fright took over because she didn't say a whole lot of anything even though she knew very well everything that the kids went through, oh well, she had fun anyway!